The Parents Association (PA) is set up by the Board of Management and exists to facilitate infomal communications between parents and the school on day-to-day issues. Areas such as individual pupils or schoolwork are outside their remit.

The parents association is made-up of:

  • Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and Under-secretary (3-year term)
  • Mother's and Father's nominee to the Board of Management (4-year term)
  • Two class reps for each class in the school (2-year term)

The PA also has a role in fundraising for the school to pay for such things as IT equipment that are not subsidized by the Department of Education.

The PA holds an AGM each year around October at which time any changes to the elected positions are made by those parents present.

Click here to download the full Charter of the Parents' Association.

PA Events in 2022/'23
New Parents DrinksReception for parents of children due to start in Junion Infants
Halloween Costume SalePre-halloween costume trading
Cake SaleGet parents (and boys) baking to raise money
Christmas CardsCustomised Christmas cards to raise money
Class CalendarsPhoto of class with calendar for the new year
Table Quiz NightThis is the major fund-raising event of the year
Communion Boys ReceptionAfter church service tea
YearbookFor 6th class boys leaving the school
Slan le Rang a SeStage performance and reception for 6th class and parents
Uniform SalePassing old uniforms on for a donation